Monday, 26 April 2010


Both Jack and I have a passion for olives. Green olives, black olives, purple olives, stuffed olives, small olives, big olives, olives with pips, olives without pips - I think they're all yum yum. We did our week's shopping at Lidl today and came home with one tall and slender jar of really nice green olives stuffed with garlic cloves in salty brine, one average sized jar of green ones filled with paprika in brine and finally a HUGE jar of green olives also in brine and ridiculously good value. Our cunning little plan was to save the really nice ones for Friday when we're celebrating moving in slash our 6 months anniversary (or lunaversary as it technically is), have the mediocre ones as a reward for carrying our shopping from Lidl to Hillhead and up the stairs to the top floor and into my room. Usually this isn't a long route to complete at all, but with the heavy socket-popping load of groceries we had it was a little ordeal in itself. Finally the last and biggest jar of them all we planned to use for our own little experiment which turned out to be quite a success;

1 Wash an emty glass jar and fill about half of it with oil
2 Crush 3-5 cloves of garlic and mix it with the oil
3 Add spices if you want
4 Drain the olives in a sieve or frying basket
5 Put the drained olives into the jar of oil and garlic and shake it well
6 Refridgerate for 2 hours +
7 Eat - Mmmm!

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